"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever" - Lance Armstrong

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Crappy day!

Today has been the most annoying day I've had in a long time! I hate letting other people dictate what I do on my days off....I only get 1 "real" day-off per week (when kids & husband are actually not home with me, I mean!) so I try to plan my time off to get things done that I'd like to accomplish. Anyways...I have my running training schedule planned out from now until the Half in June and I don't like unnecessary crap getting in the way of it. I had planned for a 3.5 mile run before noon and then grocery shopping, but since husband didn't start work until 3pm today, he had other plans for my day, which got me in the wrong mood. All in all...my entire morning was a complete waste and just got worse as the day went on. I actually DID finally get my run in @ 3:45pm and it was one of the worst runs I've had in a long time (which did nothing for my crummy mood). I tried to tell myself (as I mentally said the F word to my achy knees , gave up part way up a hill and walked) that at least I was out there. Didn't matter.

Here's what I've learned from today's events:

Change my day off from Tuesday to Monday...it will save my marriage in the long run. Trust me.

Don't let other people dictate what I am planning on doing with my day. When someone tells you "just do this "one" thing with me, then you can do whatever you had planned on doing...it will only take an hour!" Lies. It NEVER just takes an hour.

Do not let your kid ride his bike along side you while you run if you are not a talker while running (which I most definitely am not). Roman does not appreciate hand signals as my sign to say "yes buddy, I heard you"...so this is what I heard the ENTIRE run: "right mommy? mom? did you hear me? mom? mommy? right mom?" or some variation of that. THE.WHOLE.TIME.

It sucks having to push a bike up a hill. A bike I can't even ride. It also sucks to have to help said kid take off and tie his jacket to his handle bars 53 times.

Hold my kleenex in my hand, not in a pocket where it inevitably gets lost. I can handle wiping my runny nose on my shirt sleeve once in a while, but I did not love having to finally result to blowing my nose into my gloves. Gross, yes...but effective.

Do not wear a long sleeve shirt AND a running hoodie if you secretly already know when you step outside that you are going to burn up when you start to run...even if it's 37°. You WILL burn up.

Next time your day is shit, skip the run and drown oneself in the bathtub. Or a bottle of wine...which ever one is easier.