"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever" - Lance Armstrong

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Zion...my happy place :)

This weekend my family and I went camping in Zion. I LOVE that place! We've been camping there every year for the past 6 years. There's nothing like being out there that always makes me sad that I live someplace like Vegas :/ Anyways, I was scheduled to run 8 miles on Saturday....the furthest I have ever run in a single stretch. I was pretty nervous, but I figured if the going gets too hard, I'll walk ;) My husband and I got up early and headed out with his fat, lazy dog. If SHE can handle it, I sure was going to give it my best! We decided not to run along the freeway since cars have the habit of flying up that single road to get to Zion, so we found a trail that we weren't sure where it would lead us, but we decided to brave it anyways. I kept telling myself that I would just run 4 miles one way then turn around and run the 4 miles back...that way it seemed manageable. The trail was great and the scenery was awesome.....but the first 4 miles was all uphill. WAY uphill! I would guess it was at least a 6% grade. Yikes. I had to walk quite a bit of the steepest parts, but I did the best I could. It took me an hour and a half just to do the 8 miles, but I loved it! I had forgotten to pack my compression pants so my knees and hips were in agony that night, but I feel pretty decent today, so I'm not complaining. I feel accomplished!! I did it! I doubted myself, but I pulled through. I am so happy! It gave me the smallest glimmer of hope that I will really be able to make it through the Half in just 55 days. It's approaching fast, but I'm getting so excited!