"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever" - Lance Armstrong

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Always something

I have been super excited and consistent on my weekly runs and it feels awesome! I'm on the last week of my 5K training and I will be moving on to my 10K.. It's been hard to get out there to run when it's cold outside, or I've worked, or my kids are on the way home from school...or the holidays are here and I've eaten 12 pounds of holiday goodies in a single day. Ugh. I feel gross just thinking about it!
On the up side, my knee has been holding up ok. When I started my run yesterday, my left ankle was killing me and I knew the run would not be great....it kinda felt like a little bit of everything was hurting, sore or heavy. It certainly wasn't a great run, but I hung in there and did the entire thing without walking. When I got to my finishing spot and walked, I was in agony. I think I have a weird muscle thing in my calf that's wrapped around into my ankle. There's always something....which is where I start to get annoyed and frustrated. I kept my run super slow, then came home & iced and rolled. Feels ok today so I'm hoping for no aches or pain tomorrow :)