"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever" - Lance Armstrong

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Slow going

So I'm back to my running (jogging, whatever) again. I have high hopes of doing Ragnar in Napa in 2011 and I'm really not wanting to be the same sucky weak link that I was this past Ragnar. I've been back to the training for almost 3 weeks now, but taking it very slow and easy. I've mapped out a 5K training program for myself for 5 weeks, starting with just 1.5 miles 3 times a week, then adding on a half mile the next week, etc. So far, so good. I'm hoping this time around since I'm giving myself so much time to regroup and focus, I can avoid all the leg/knee pains that previously had me bothered. Once I'm done with this 5K training, I will start on a 10K training, and add on from there. The foam roller has been my good friend and I plan on continuing to use it for as long as I can tolerate it :) I find that now that I don't have a big "something" looming in front of my face, I have been taking my little afternoon strolls as a time for myself before the kids get home from school and I'm starting to like it again (I mean, not LIKE, but not HATE either). Every single run I've done for the last 3 weeks I have done without walking one single step of it and I'm going to take that small grain of victory ;) I know this sounds really lame to my fellow runner chicks, but when I did my tiny 2.5 miles today, I actually broke my 10:30 minute mile time!! Yay! Yes, lame....but again, small steps & accomplishments. I averaged UNDER 10:00 per mile, which I have never done (ever). I'm almost (but not quite) embarrassed to say that I'm proud of that, since for the average runner, that is still really slow (I know!), but in MY book, it's a job well done :)