"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever" - Lance Armstrong

Sunday, January 2, 2011

NOW I know why I run....

On Thursday, a couple of friends and I went to the new Cosmopolitan for dinner. That place is absolutely beautiful inside and there was a lot of action that night (but that's not a story to tell on this blog...and it's not the "action" that your dirty mind is probably thinking!) ;) Anyways, thanks to a friend's husband, we got seating in the VIP section for dinner and who do we see a few tables away...??? ....Kellen Lutz, who plays the vampire Emmett in the Twilight movies. Hot! One of the gorgeous 6 foot tall blond bomb-shell girls I was with had the balls to actually go up to him and ask him to take a picture with us. So he amused us and came to our table to smile prettily for our annoying pics. He sat down in our booth (where I rudely told one of my friends to scoot her ass over so that he would sit next to me...what a bitch, huh? I am shamed!) ...but he did and as we crowded into the booth seat, Mr. Movie Vampire clutched my thigh (gasp!). His hot, steamy, muscular hand was touching my.....sorry. Did you hear my silly high school girl giggle from here? ::Swoon:: So of course I had to promptly post that picture on Facebook (right from the restaurant. Yes, I am juvenile) and change my profile picture to one of me & vampire man (after cropping my hot friends out of it, of course!). My husband said "he clutched your thigh??" Me (grinning hugely): "yes...and I liked it." Husband: "it's a good thing you've been running then, huh?" LIGHT-BULB MOMENT! Yes! THAT'S why I run! I run so that when a hot, young actor clutches my 37 32 year old thighs, they are nice and muscular (somewhat) and not saggy like regular mom thighs ;)

Wow...life is grand when you know why you do things that are mentally and physically challenging...so that when you are silently cursing yourself for doing something stupid like running up a hill feeling like your lungs are going to burst, or running in the street and get bit by a passing dog, you know that there's a purpose for your actions. I love that! And hot, steamy, young vampire hands are what got me through 4 miles today in the damn cold!

me & vampire guy LOL