"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever" - Lance Armstrong

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Candlelighter's 5K

Yesterday I did a 5K for the Candlelighter's (Children's Cancer). My daughter's friend found out she had a brain tumor a few months ago, at the age of 14, so we joined her team to raise money. Anyways, I have not been running, as you probably already know, because I complain about it all the damn time.....the day before the race I couldn't even run on the treadmill because my leg hurt so bad, but race day I did ok. I rubbed biofreeze (ben-gay type ointment) on my calves, which have started hurting again, and taped my knee in addition to wearing my ITB strap and I did decent. I thought I did it in 33 minutes, which I was pissed about, but I actually did it in 32:22, which...SHUT UP!! I KNOW it's slow, duh! But it's the best time I've had so far in any of the other 5K's I've done...so there! I'm hoping that sooner or later I can do less than 10 minute miles, but crap, it's hard! LOL! Everyone is saying they don't care what my time is for Ragnar, and those bitches better not be lying to me & talking crap in the van as I run 5 miles in 79 minutes ;) Seriously, how many people get out there and actually do something like Ragnar? Very few, that's who! So maybe I should just be happy I'm doing something like this & enjoy the experience, right? Right! Do you even KNOW me? If I can't do something right & win all the time, it really pisses me off & makes me not want to do it all. Ugh.....!!! So frustrating! I'm going to bed. I'm annoyed now.