"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever" - Lance Armstrong

Thursday, March 31, 2011

No energy today :(

I'm still here...still training, but have had no heart or desire to post...and nothing new has been going on in the running world for me. I've been more or less sticking to my training schedule, except this week has been a little screwy. Work really craps on my day ;) So what I discovered today was that I'm really stupid when it comes to nutrition and water intake. Yes, I KNOW it's important to eat and drink plenty of water, but sometimes I try to pack so much into my days that I don't think about the time I eat or WHAT I'm eating in (or how much water I'm drinking). I need to change that. Now. I had planned a 4 mile run today after I dropped my kids off at school, so I ate a bowl of oatmeal with almonds & had a cup of coffee at about 8am, figuring I'd get to run at about 9:15. I don't know what I was thinking, but after I dropped the kids off, I came home to foam roll my butt & legs and got stuck watching something on TV for a half hour or so. After filling up my 2 small water bottles and getting my ipod, it was already about 10am and I headed out. It was pretty warm outside and slowly getting hotter, but I didn't think anything of it. The first 1.5 miles of my run was all uphill...and it sucked. I couldn't even go a mile without stopping. I was getting little black spots behind my eyes and felt dizzy. I had already finished my 1st bottle of water by this point and didn't have much energy. By the time I got to 2 miles, my heart was pounding like crazy, I had run out of water, my stomach was growling with hunger and I was shaking. I had no choice but to head home, but still being about a mile away. I pushed myself to run home as quick as I can just to get there faster, but I was not feeling well. After analyzing what probably went wrong, I realized I barely drank any water prior to the run and didn't eat enough. I forgot that as it gets hotter outside, I need to drink a ton more water. I won't make that mistake again. I was so dehydrated today that I suffered a terrible migraine all day & threw up 3 or 4 times. What a dummy. I can't let that happen again!! Seattle Half is now only 80-something days away!!