"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever" - Lance Armstrong

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Trail run

I did a trail run with John this evening while Emma & Roman rode their bikes along side us. Actually, they rode along side John while I lagged behind. It's more of a horse riding trail by the state park near my house, but it's pretty nice to run. I thought the trail would be like 5 miles (it felt like it), but in the end it was only 3.2. Ugh. I hate short runs that feel like they go on forever. I did ok. My leg was annoying me, but I had my knee taped up and I finally got my IT band strap, so I had that on too. John said he could tell by the way I was running that something was going on with my leg...Great. I know my running has FELT weird, but I thought I looked normal...LOL...hope my leg is good tomorrow. Right now my knee is bugging me, but not overly so, which is a good sign for me.
Now that the kids are back in school tomorrow and the evenings are getting cooler, I hope to get a better schedule so that my running is more productive. My friend, Michelle, who will be doing Ragnar with me was nice enough to switch runner places with me during the race, so that I'm not all stressed out about running a hard leg @ over 7 miles. I feel bad that now she has to do it, but for the record...I didn't ask her to! LOL! She's awesome. She's been running up to 14 miles on Saturdays, so I'm definitely jealous! :/ But switching with her took 2 miles off my total run, with my hardest run being 5 miles @ a moderate level. Takes a little bit of stress off of me, but I'm dying to get back to running normally. I'm dying at 2 miles and that is very annoying!