"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever" - Lance Armstrong

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Back in the zone!

There's officially only 4 and a half months left of training before Ragnar!

You know what I wish? I wish I were one of those runners who could go out and do my 12 mile run everyday...and if I only happen to log 10 miles, I would consider it a bad day. *sigh* I got back into my training today after taking off since Thursday. I tell ya, when my alarm rang at 5:15, I was pissed. I thought I turned it off {and was prepared to go back to sleep}, but the snooze buzzer rang 10 minutes later and suddenly I was wide awake. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, ate a banana and did some light stretching...then I was off. It was kinda nice. I saw a little bunny hop across the road and for some reason that made me happy. I guess if I was going to get up and running {literally} so damn early, I had better see some freakin' wildlife! Then I saw another idiot like myself going for his morning run and I thought "why in the HELL would someone choose to go for a jog at 5:45 in the morning?" Seriously. Why would we?

Today was a pretty good run day. Only did my 3 miles {not yet ready for 4}, but my first half was awesome. I did it with no problems at all. I think the way back from a run always messes with me. I start to think "oh my God, I have to run all the way back!" but honestly, I worked super hard on my mental thoughts and for the first time ever, I {internally} talked my way through the entire run home....and I didn't even want to puke until I stopped moving ;)

That's when I laid myself down on my cool tile, thankful for the peace & quiet in my house until I was able to regroup myself. Now I think I will brew some coffee and watch my tivo'd Bachlorette from last night :)

My run is done & out of the way for today...and I feel awesome!!